Keep the Banner flying,

Lift your spirits high,

Our Motto brings us Honour

Whilst the world goes by.


The Honour of our School,

Comes first in every way,

“BPS” is best…

Try  us any day !


“BPS”! “BPS” !

Our school is the Best !

“BPS”! “BPS” !

Riding every Crest…

“BPS”! “BPS” !

Our school is the Best !

“BPS”! “BPS” !

Riding every Crest…


Unity is Strength !

Rings our cheerful cry,

If we lose sometimes,

Our spirits never die !


Keep the Banner flying !

Never let it fall,

We are the tomorrow…

Children, big & small.


“BPS”! “BPS” !

Our school is the Best !

“BPS”! “BPS” !

Riding every Crest…

“BPS”! “BPS” !

Our school is the Best !

“BPS”! “BPS” !

Riding every Crest…

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